Učni načrt predmeta

Zasebnost in upravljanje z identitetami, zaupanjem in ugledom
Privacy and Identity, Trust and Reputation Management
Študijski program in stopnja /
Study programme and level
Študijska smer /
Study field
Letnik /
Academic year
Semester /
Informacijske in komunikacijske Napredne internetne tehnologij e 1 1
Information and Communication Advanced Internet Technologies 1 1
Vrsta predmeta / Course type
Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code:
Klinične vaje
Druge oblike
Samost. delo
Individ. work
15 15 15 105 5

*Navedena porazdelitev ur velja, če je vpisanih vsaj 15 študentov. Drugače se obseg izvedbe kontaktnih ur sorazmerno zmanjša in prenese v samostojno delo. / This distribution of hours is valid if at least 15 students are enrolled. Otherwise the contact hours are linearly reduced and transfered to individual work.

Nosilec predmeta / Course leader:
doc. dr. Tomaž Klobučar
Sodelavci / Lecturers:
Jeziki / Languages:
Predavanja / Lectures:
Slovenščina, angleščina / Slovenian, English
Vaje / Tutorial:
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:

Zaključen študij druge stopnje s področja informacijskih ali komunikacijskih tehnologij ali zaključen študij druge stopnje na drugih področjih z znanjem osnov s področja predmeta. Potrebna so tudi osnovna znanja matematike, računalništva in informatike.

Completed second cycle studies in information or communication technologies or completed second cycle studies in other fields with knowledge of fundamentals in the field of this course. Basic knowledge of mathematics, computer science and informatics is also requested.

Content (Syllabus outline):

Uvod: ponovitev osnovnih pojmov (zasebnost, osebni podatki, identiteta, zaupanje, ugled) in groženj

Napredne tehnologije za zaščito zasebnosti:
- na strani uporabnika: zaščitniki identitete, anonimne poverilnice, zapisi preferenc glede zaščite osebnih podatkov
- na strani ponudnika storitve: organizacijski in nadzorni procesi, politike zasebnosti
- v komunikacijskem sistemu: anonimizacija komunikacije, anonimizacija elektronske pošte, anonimizacija v svetovnem spletu

Napredni sistemi za upravljanje z identitetami

Sistemi za upravljanje z zaupanjem: koncepti, modeli, algoritmi, upravljanje, uporaba

Sistemi za upravljanje z ugledom: koncepti, modeli, algoritmi, upravljanje, uporaba

Izbrana poglavja iz zasebnosti in upravljanja z identitetami, zaupanjem in ugledom v naprednih internetnih sistemih in tehnologijah (npr. v oblaku, internetu stvari)

Introduction: basic definitions and principles (privacy, personal data, identity, trust, management), threats and risks

Advanced privacy-enhancing technologies:
- on the user side: identity protectors, anonymous credentials, privacy preference languages
- on the service provider side: organisational and monitoring processes, privacy policies
- at communication level: anonymous communication systems, remailers, anonymising web proxies

Advanced identity management systems

Systems for trust management: concepts, models, algorithms, management, usage

Systems for reputation management: concepts, models, algorithms, management, usage

Selected topics in privacy and identity, trust and reputation management in advanced internet systems and technologies (e.g. in cloud computing, Internet of Things)

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Izbrana poglavja iz naslednjih knjig: / Selected chapters from the following books:
- C. Adams, Introduction to Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Springer, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-81042-9.
- A. Acquisti, S. Gritzalis, C. Lambrinoudakis and S. De Capitani di Vimercati, Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies, and Practices, Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008, ISBN 978-1420052176.
- R. Bachman, and A. Zaheer, Handbook of Trust Research, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., Northmampton, MA, 2006, ISBN 978-1843767541.
- R. F. Farmer and B. Glass, Building Web Reputation Systems, O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2010, ISBN 978-0596159795.
- E. Chang, T. Dillon and F. K. Hussain, Trust and Reputation for Service-oriented Environments: Technologies for Building Business Intelligence and Customer Confidence. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006, ISBN 978-0470015476.

Izbrani znanstveni članki iz revij s področja zasebnosti in upravljanja z identitetami, zaupanjem in ugledom
/ Selected scientific articles in the area of privacy and identity, trust and reputation management, na primer:
- A. Acquisti, C. Taylor, and L. Wagman, The Economics of Privacy, Journal of Economic Literature, 2016,
54(2), 442-492.
- A. Jøsang, R. Ismail, C. Boyd, A Survey of Trust and Reputation Systems for Online Service Provision,
Decision Support Systems, vol. 43, št. 2, 2007.

Cilji in kompetence:
Objectives and competences:

Namen predmeta je študentom predstaviti naprednejše tehnologije za zaščito zasebnosti in upravljanje z identitetami, zaupanjem in ugledom in ustrezne varnostne mehanizme, ki omogočajo odpravo problemov glede zasebnosti.

Študenti bi morali biti sposobni:
- izbrati ustrezne modele in mehanizme za zagotovitev zasebnosti in upravljanje z identitetami, zaupanjem in ugledom,
- oceniti in razvijati nove metode za zaščito zasebnosti,
- oceniti in razvijati nove metode, modele in algoritme za upravljanje zaupanja in ugleda,
- nadaljevati raziskovalno-razvojno delo na področju zaščite zasebnosti in upravljanja z identitetami, zaupanjem in ugledom.

The main objective of this course is to present advanced technologies for privacy protection and identity, trust and reputation management and security mechanisms for mitigation of the privacy threats.

Students should be able to:
- Select appropriate models and mechanisms for privacy provision and identity, trust and reputation management,
- Evaluate and develop new privacy enchaning technologies,
- Evaluate and develop new methods, models and algorithms for trust and reputation management,
- Continue research and development in the area of privacy protection and identity, trust and reputation management

Predvideni študijski rezultati:
Intendeded learning outcomes:

Študenti bodo z uspešno opravljenimi obveznostmi tega predmeta pridobili:
- Poznavanje varnostnih problemov v internetu in metod za zaščito zasebnosti ter upravljanje z identitetami, zaupanjem in ugledom.
- Razvoj mehanizmov in sistemov za zaščito zasebnosti in upravljanje z identitetami, zaupanjem in ugledom.
- Evalvacija sistemov za upravljanje identitete, zaupanja in ugleda.
- Priprava raziskovalnih rezultatov na področju.

Students successfully completing this course will acquire:
- Knowledge on internet security problems, privacy protection and identity, trust and reputation management.
- Development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for privacy protection and identity,
trust and reputation management.
- Evaluation of systems for identity, trust and reputation management.
- Provision of research results in the field.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:
Learning and teaching methods:

Predavanja, seminar, konzultacije, individualno delo

Lectures, seminar, consultations, individual work

Načini ocenjevanja:
Delež v % / Weight in %
Seminarska naloga
25 %
Seminar work
Ustni zagovor
25 %
Oral defense
Ustni ali pisni izpit
50 %
Oral or written exam
Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:
1. R. Kaur, T. Klobučar, D. Gabrijelčič, "Privacy in online social networks: threat analysis and countermeasures", v: Handbook of research on cyber crime and information privacy. Hershey: IGI Global, 2021, str. 567-598. ISBN 978-1-79985-729-7.
2. R. Kaur, D. Gabrijelčič, T. Klobučar, "Artificial intelligence for cybersecurity: literature review and future research directions", Information fusion. [Online ed.]. Sep. 2023, vol. 97, [article no.] 101804, str. 1-29.
3. B. Jerman-Blažič, T. Klobučar, "Removing the barriers in cross-border crime investigation by gathering e-evidence in an interconnected society", Information & communications technology law. 2020, vol. 29, no. 1, str. 66-81. ISSN 1360-0834. DOI: 10.1080/13600834.2020.1705035.
4. T. Klobučar, R. Kaur, D. Gabrijelčič, "Umetna inteligenca za kibernetsko varnost", v: M. Holbl (ur.). Soustvarjamo digitrajno Slovenijo: zbornik: 30. konferenca Dnevi slovenske informatike. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo Informatika, 2023. Str. [1-10], ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6165-60-0.
5. T. Klobučar, "Towards SDGR-compliant cross-border education services", v: P. Zaphiris (ur.), A. Ioannou (ur.). Learning and Collaboration Technologies: LCT 2024: proceedings. Part 2. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, cop. 2024. Str. 170-181. Lecture notes in computer science, 14723. ISBN 978-3-031-61685-3. ISSN 1611-3349.