Učni načrt predmeta

Seminar I
Seminar I
Študijski program in stopnja /
Study programme and level
Študijska smer /
Study field
Letnik /
Academic year
Semester /
Senzorske tehnologije, 3. stopnja / 1 2
Sensor Technologies, 3rd cycle / 1 2
Vrsta predmeta / Course type
Obvezni / Mandatory
Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code:
Klinične vaje
Druge oblike
Samost. delo
Individ. work
30 30 240 10

*Navedena porazdelitev ur velja, če je vpisanih vsaj 15 študentov. Drugače se obseg izvedbe kontaktnih ur sorazmerno zmanjša in prenese v samostojno delo. / This distribution of hours is valid if at least 15 students are enrolled. Otherwise the contact hours are linearly reduced and transfered to individual work.

Nosilec predmeta / Course leader:
prof. dr. Marina Dermastia
Sodelavci / Lecturers:
prof. dr. Barbara Malič , prof. dr. Aleksander Zidanšek
Jeziki / Languages:
Predavanja / Lectures:
Slovenski ali angleški / Slovene or English
Vaje / Tutorial:
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:

Zaključen študij druge stopnje.

Completed second-cycle studies.

Content (Syllabus outline):

Študenti bodo razvili sposobnosti spremljanja ter prepoznavanja aktualnih znanstveno raziskovalnih problemov, sodobnih metod raziskovanja, najnovejših rezultatov in uporabe najnovejšega znanja na področju senzorskih tehnologij. Študenti se bodo soočili tudi z izzivi izdelave pisnega pregleda obravnavanih vsebin ter s posredovanjem ugotovitev v obliki ustne predstavitve seminarja.

Students will develop the ability to follow and identify current scientific research problems, modern methods of research, the latest results and the use of the state-of-the -art knowledge in the field of sensor technologies. Students will also face with the challenges of writing a written review of the selected topics and by sharing of their findings with oral seminar presentation.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Znanstvena literatura s področja seminarja ter literatura s področja pisnega in ustnega komuniciranja s strokovno javnostjo. / Scientific literature from the field of the seminar and literature on written and oral
communication with the professional public.

Cilji in kompetence:
Objectives and competences:

Cilj predmeta je spoznavanje aktualnih raziskovalnih problemov, sodobnih metodoloških pristopov k njihovi razrešitvi in najnovejših dosežkov na področju senzorskih tehnologij. Pomemben cilj je tudi sposobnost pisnega celostnega povzemanja obravnavanih vsebin in posredovanje ugotovitev v obliki ustne predstavitve in uporabe znanstvenih argumentov v kritični ustni komunikaciji z znanstveno javnostjo.

The aim of the course is to learn about current research problems, modern methodological approaches to their solutions and the latest achievements in the field of sensor technologies. An important goal is also the ability to write comprehensive review of the selected study subject and to share their findings in the form of oral presentations. In addition, they will practice the use of scientific arguments in critical oral communication with the scientific community.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:
Intendeded learning outcomes:

Priprava pisnega poročila, njegova predstavitev ter suverena ustna komunikacija o obravnavanih vsebinah.
Študenti bodo izpopolnili sposobnosti spremljanja ter poznavanja sodobnih raziskav in dosežkov na področju senzorskih tehnologij, kritične ocene pomembnosti objav v znanstveni literaturi, pisnega povzemanja obravnavane vsebine ter njene suverene predstavitve in ustnega komuniciranja z znanstveno javnostjo.

Preparation of written reports and oral presentations based on their own research work.
Students are expected to gain a general understanding of the research activities in sensor technologies. They will get skills to evaluative published works in scientific literature, to write professional and scientific papers and to make a public presentation of their review seminar work with the scientific community.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:
Learning and teaching methods:

Seminar, konzultacije, druge metode

Seminar, consultations, other methods

Načini ocenjevanja:
Delež v % / Weight in %
Pisna seminarska naloga
Written seminar work
Ustna predstavitev z zagovorom seminarske naloge
Oral presentation with the defense of the seminar work
Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:
1. KOGEJ, Zala, DERMASTIA, Marina, MEHLE, Nataša. Development and validation of a new TaqMan real-time PCR for detection of 'Candidatus phytoplasma pruni'. Pathogens. 7 Aug. 2020, vol. 9, iss. 8, str. 1-13, ilustr. ISSN 2076-0817. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0817/9/8/642, DOI: 10.3390/pathogens9080642
2. ŠKRLJ, Blaž, POMPE NOVAK, Maruša, BRADER, Günter, ANŽIČ, Barbara, RAMŠAK, Živa, GRUDEN, Kristina, KRALJ, Jan, KLADNIK, Aleš, LAVRAČ, Nada, ROITSCH, Thomas, DERMASTIA, Marina. New cross-talks between pathways involved in grapevine infection with ʼCandidatus Phytoplasma solaniʼ revealed by temporal network modelling. Plants. Apr. 2021, vol. 10, iss. 4, str. 646-1- 646-18, ilustr. ISSN 2223-7747. https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/10/4/646, DOI: 10.3390/plants10040646
3. DERMASTIA, Marina, ŠKRLJ, Blaž, STRAH, Rebeka, ANŽIČ, Barbara, TOMAŽ, Špela, KRIŽNIK, Maja, SCHÖNHUBER, Christina, RIEDLE-BAUER, Monika, RAMŠAK, Živa, PETEK, Marko, KLADNIK, Aleš, LAVRAČ, Nada, GRUDEN, Kristina, ROITSCH, Thomas, BRADER, Günter, POMPE NOVAK, Maruša. Differential response of grapevine to Infection with ʼCandidatus Phytoplasma solaniʼ in early and late growing season through complex regulation of mRNA and small RNA transcriptomes. International journal of molecular sciences. 1 Apr. 2021, vol. 22, no. 7, str. 3531-1-3531-28. ISSN 1661-6596. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/22/7/3531
4. KOCJAN, Domen, DOLENC KOCE, Jasna, ETL, Florian, DERMASTIA, Marina. Genome size of life forms of Araceae : a new piece in the C-value puzzle. Plants. 27 Jan. 2022, vol. 11, iss. 3, str. 1-24, ilustr. ISSN 2223-7747. https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/11/3/334, DOI: 10.3390/plants11030334
5. MEHLE, Nataša, KAVČIČ, Sanda, MERMAL, Sara, VIDMAR, Sara, POMPE NOVAK, Maruša, RIEDLE-BAUER, Monika, BRADER, Günter, KLADNIK, Aleš, DERMASTIA, Marina. Geographical and temporal diversity of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' in wine-growing regions in Slovenia and Austria. Frontiers in plant science. Mai 2022, vol. 13, str. 1-12, ilustr. ISSN 1664-462X. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.889675, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.889675