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KOVAČIČ, Ana, GULIN, Martin Rafael, NANNOU, Christina, KORONAIOU, Lelouda-Athanasia, KOSJEK, Tina, HEATH, David John, MAIER, Mark S., LAMBROPOULOU, Dimitra A., HEATH, Ester. Aerobic degradation of tetramethyl bisphenol F (TMBPF) with activated sludge : kinetics and biotransformation products. Environmental research. 2023, vol. 227, 115790 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935123005820?dgcid=author,
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KOVAČIČ, Ana, ANDREASIDOU, Eirini, BRUS, Anže, VEHAR, Anja, POTOČNIK, Doris, JAGODIC HUDOBIVNIK, Marta, HEATH, David John, PINTAR, Marina, KACJAN-MARŠIĆ, Nina, OGRINC, Nives, BLAZNIK, Urška, HEATH, Ester. Contaminant uptake in wastewater irrigated tomatoes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, vol. 448, 130964 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389423002467?via%3Dihub, https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=148643,
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VEROVŠEK, Taja, ŠUŠTARIČ, Ariana, LAIMOU-GERANIOU, Maria, KRIZMAN MATASIĆ, Ivona, PROSEN, Helena, ELERŠEK, Tina, KRAMARIČ ZIDAR, Vlasta, MISLEJ, Vesna, MIŠMAŠ, Boštjan, STRAŽAR, Marjetka, LEVSTEK, Meta, CIMRMANČIČ, Bernardka, LUKŠIČ, Simon, URANJEK, Nataša, KOZLOVIČ-BOBIČ, Tjaša, KOSJEK, Tina, KOCMAN, David, HEATH, David John, HEATH, Ester. Removal of residues of psychoactive substances during wastewater treatment, their occurrence in receiving river waters and environmental risk assessment. Science of the total environment 2023, 866, 161257 ISSN 1879-1026. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969722083619?via%3Dihub,
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KOVAČIČ, Ana, MODIC, Martina, HOJNIK, Nataša, ŠTAMPAR, Martina, GULIN, Martin Rafael, NANNOU, Christina, KORONAIOU, Lelouda-Athanasia, HEATH, David John, WALSH, James L., ŽEGURA, Bojana, LAMBROPOULOU, Dimitra A., CVELBAR, Uroš, HEATH, Ester. Degradation and toxicity of bisphenol A and S during cold atmospheric pressure plasma treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 454, 131478 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131478,
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PROSENC, Franja, PIECHOCKA, Justyna, ŠKUFCA, David, HEATH, Ester, GRIESSLER BULC, Tjaša, ISTENIČ, Darja, BUTTIGLIERI, Gianluigi. Microalgae-based removal of contaminants of emerging concern : mechanisms in Chlorella vulgaris and mixed algal-bacterial cultures. Journal of hazardous materials. 2021, vol. 418, p. 126284-1-126284-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126284.