Učni načrt predmeta

Sistemi, naprave in materiali za izkoriščanje nekonvencionalnih energetskih virov
Systems, Facilities and Materials for Alternative Energy Sources
Študijski program in stopnja /
Study programme and level
Študijska smer /
Study field
Letnik /
Academic year
Semester /
Ekotehnologije, 3. stopnja / 1 1
Ecotechnologies, 3rd cycle / 1 1
Vrsta predmeta / Course type
Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code:
Klinične vaje
Druge oblike
Samost. delo
Individ. work
15 15 15 105 5

*Navedena porazdelitev ur velja, če je vpisanih vsaj 15 študentov. Drugače se obseg izvedbe kontaktnih ur sorazmerno zmanjša in prenese v samostojno delo. / This distribution of hours is valid if at least 15 students are enrolled. Otherwise the contact hours are linearly reduced and transfered to individual work.

Nosilec predmeta / Course leader:
prof. dr. Boris Orel
Sodelavci / Lecturers:
Jeziki / Languages:
Predavanja / Lectures:
slovenščina, angleščina
Vaje / Tutorial:
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:

Znanje, ki je ekvivalentno izobrazbi druge stopnje ali univerzitetni izobrazbi s področja naravoslovja ali tehnologije. Vsebina predmeta Sončni absorberji in sončni zbiralniki: materiali, tehnologije. Fotoelektrokemijski sistemi: delovanje Graetzlovih fotonapetostnih celic; priprava oksidov kovin prehoda; ionski redoks elektroliti z nanokompozitno strukturo; izdelava celic in meritve njihovih lastnosti. photoanodes, ionic-redox electrolytes with Pasivni sistemi za izrabo sončnega sevanja (“smart” windows): optično preklopni sistemi (elektrokromni, fotokromni in gasokromni sistemi). Materiali s fotokatalitskimi lastnostmi: nanoporozni titanov(IV) oksid, superhidrofilnost. “smart” electrochromic windows, gasochromic Materiali in načrtovanje
- osnovne značilnosti materialov,
- energija: toplotno okolje, The preparation and functioning of materials
- vrste in karakteristike pametnih materialov: pametni proizvodi, pametne komponente in ti sistemi. su Materials and design
- Basic characteristics of materials;
- Energy: thermal environment;
- The types and characteristics of smart materials: smart products, smart components and systems.

Knowledge, which is equivalent to a second level or university degree from natural sciences or technology. Course Content Solar absorbers and solar collectors: materials, technologies. Photoelectrochemical systems: basic principles of the operation of photoelectrochemical Gretzel type photovoltaic cell; the preparation of components - nanocrystalline transition metal oxides acting as nanocomposite structure acting as a “hole” transporting media, assembling of the cells, efficiency measurements and the evaluation of their stability. Basic principles of the operation of the passive optical switching systems for light control in buildings: systems and thermochromi and photochromic devices. exhibiting photocatalytic properties: nanoporous tan (IV) oxide with photocatalytic and perhydrophylic properties.

Content (Syllabus outline):

Sončni absorberji in sončni zbiralniki: materiali, tehnologije.

Fotoelektrokemijski sistemi: delovanje Graetzlovih fotonapetostnih celic; priprava oksidov kovin prehoda; ionski redoks elektroliti z nanokompozitno strukturo; izdelava celic in meritve njihovih lastnosti.

Pasivni sistemi za izrabo sončnega sevanja (“smart” windows): optično preklopni sistemi (elektrokromni, fotokromni in gasokromni sistemi).

Materiali s fotokatalitskimi lastnostmi: nanoporozni titanov(IV) oksid, superhidrofilnost.

Materiali in načrtovanje:
- osnovne značilnosti materialov,
- energija: toplotno okolje,
- vrste in karakteristike pametnih materialov:
pametni proizvodi, pametne komponente in

Solar absorbers and solar collectors: materials, technologies.

Photoelectrochemical systems: basic principles of the operation of photoelectrochemical Gretzel type photovoltaic cell; the preparation of components – nanocrystalline transition metal oxides acting as photoanodes, ionic-redox electrolytes with nanocomposite structure acting as a “hole” transporting media, assembling of the cells, efficiency measurements and the evaluation of their stability.

Basic principles of the operation of the passive optical switching systems for light control in buildings: “smart” electrochromic windows, gasochromic systems and thermochromi and photochromic devices.

The preparation and functioning of materials exhibiting photocatalytic properties: nanoporous
titan (IV) oxide with photocatalytic and superhydrophylic properties.

Materials and design:
- Basic characteristics of materials;
- Energy: thermal environment;
- The types and characteristics of smart materials:
smart products, smart components and systems.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- U. Schubert, N.Huesing. Synthesis of Inorganic Materials. New York: Wiley-VCH (2000), 396 p., ISBN 3-527-
- G.Gauglitz, T-Vo-Dinh (eds.). Handbook of Spectroscopy, Vol.1 and 2. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH (2003), ISBN 3-
- C.G.Granqvist. Handbook of Inorganic Electrochromic Materials. Amsterdam: Elsevier (1995), 633 p., ISBN
- G.Hodes (ed.). Electrochemistry of Nanomaterials. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH (2001), 310 p., ISBN 3-527-
- Z.W.Wicks, F.N.Jones, S.P.Pappas: Organic Coatings , Science and Technology. New York: Wiley-
Interscience (1999), 630 p., ISBN 0-471-24507-0.
- C. G. Granqvist (Ed), Pergamon Press, ISBN 0-08-040937-7, Materials science for solar energy conversion
- Orel, Boris, Šurca Vuk Angela, Slemenik Perše Lidija : Sončni sprejemniki za pridobivanje sončne toplote :
učno gradivo = Solar collectors for generation of solar heat : course notes, Ljubljana: Kemijski inštitut,
2008. 147 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6104-12-8."

Cilji in kompetence:
Objectives and competences:

Cilj predmeta je seznaniti študente s principi inženirskega načrtovanja, oblikovanja in sistemskega pristopa k reševanju problemov pri načrtovanju pametnih materialov in tehnologij.

Študent pridobi kompetence potrebne za delo na
področju sistemov, naprav in materialov za izkoriščanje nekonvencionalnih energetskih virov.

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with
the principles of engineering planning, design and
systematic approach to planning of smart materials
and systems.

Students will gain competences necessary to work in the research field of systems, facilities and materials for alternative energy sources.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:
Intendeded learning outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje:
- Razumevanje predmetnega področja.

Vrednotenje in sinteza:
- obvladanje izbranih raziskovalnih metod,
postopkov in procesov,
- razvoj kritične in samokritične presoje,
- sposobnost komunikacije raziskovalnih rezultatov v mednarodnem okolju,
- sposobnost dela v skupini,
- obvladovanje izdelave naprav za fototermično in fotoelektrično konverzijo sončnega sevanja.

Knowledge and understanding:
- The student will understand this field of research.

Evaluation and synthesis:
- mastering selected research methods, procedures and processes,
- development of critical thinking and self-assessment,
- development of communication skills to present research results in an international environment,
- ability to cooperate in a team,
- mastering the production of photovoltaic and
photoelectric devices for solar energy conversion.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:
Learning and teaching methods:

- Predavanja z aktivno udeležbo študentov (razlaga, diskusija, vprašanja, primeri, reševanje
- Seminarska naloga.
- Individualne in/ali skupinske konzultacije (diskusija, dodatna razlaga, obravnava specifičnih

- Lectures with active participation of students
(presentation, discussion, questions, examples,
solving of the problems).
- Seminar work.
- Individual and / or group consultation (discussion, additional explanation, specific questions).

Načini ocenjevanja:
Delež v % / Weight in %
Pisni del izpita
30 %
Written part of the exam
Ustni del izpita
30 %
Oral part of the exam
Seminarska naloga
40 %
Seminar work
Seminar in ustni izpit, v katerem kandidat dokaže poznavanje in razumevanje temeljnih vsebin predmeta in predstavi njihovo vključevanje v svoj raziskovalni projekt pred komisijo, ki jo sestavljata nosilec predmeta ter mentor podiplomca. K predstavitvi so vabljeni vsi sodelavci pri predmetu in v projektu.
Seminar and oral exam, in which the candidate demonstrates his/her knowledge and understanding of the essential course content, and presents how this new knowledge can be included in his/her research project – in front of the course leader and postgraduate's project supervisor.
Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:
1. MIHELČIČ, Mohor, FRANCETIČ, Vojmir, KOVAČ, Janez, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, KUNIČ, Roman, PEROS, Dimitrios., Novel sol-gel based selective coatings : from coil absorber coating to high power coating. Solar energy materials and solar cells, 2015, vol. 140, 232-248. [COBISS.SI-ID 7094113]).
2. HAJZERI, Metka, SLEMENIK PERŠE, Lidija, KOŽELJ, Matjaž, OREL, Boris, ŠURCA VUK, Angela. Structural investigation of ormolytes for EC devices : IR spectroscopic characterization and relation between viscoelastic properties, conductivity and optical modulation. Solar energy materials and solar cells, ISSN 0927-0248. [Print ed.], Aug. 2015, vol. 139, str. 51-64. http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0927024815001105/1-s2.0-S0927024815001105- main. pdf?_tid=ff4913d0-e291-11e4-b775- 00000aab0f02&acdnat=1429007920_1015989770459ec6202c344a3c71ca78, doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2015.03.005. [COBISS.SI-ID 5675802]).
3. MIHELČIČ, Mohor, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, JERMAN, Ivan, OREL, Boris, ŠVEGL, Franc, MOULKI, Hakim, FAURE, Cyril, CAMPET, Guy, ROUGIER, Aline, Comparison of electrochromic properties of Ni [sub] 1-xO in lithium and lithium-free aprotic electrolytes: from Ni [sub] 1-xO pigment coatings to flexible electrochromic devices. Solar energy materials and solar cells, 2014, vol. 120, 116-130. [COBISS.SI-ID 5335578].
4. SLEMENIK PERŠE, Lidija, MIHELČIČ, Mohor, OREL, Boris. Rheological and optical properties of solar absorbing paints with POSS-treated pigments. Materials chemistry and physics, ISSN 0254-0584. [Print ed.], Jan. 2015, vol. 149/150, str. 368-377. [COBISS.SI-ID 5607706].
5. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, KOŽELJ, Matjaž, OREL, Boris. Comparison of electrochromic devices with V- and Sn/Mooxide counter electrodes and (3-glycidoxypropyl)trimethoxysilane-based ormolytes with three different lithium salts. Solar energy materials and solar cells, ISSN 0927-0248. [Print ed.], Sep. 2014, vol. 128, str. 166- 177. [COBISS.SI-ID 5508122].