Učni načrt predmeta

Biologija matičnih celic
Biology of Stem Cells
Študijski program in stopnja /
Study programme and level
Študijska smer /
Study field
Letnik /
Academic year
Semester /
Nanoznanosti in nanotehnologije, 3. stopnja Bioznanosti 1 1
Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, 3rd cycle Biosciences 1 1
Vrsta predmeta / Course type
Izbirni / Elective
Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code:
Klinične vaje
Druge oblike
Samost. delo
Individ. work
15 15 15 105 5

*Navedena porazdelitev ur velja, če je vpisanih vsaj 15 študentov. Drugače se obseg izvedbe kontaktnih ur sorazmerno zmanjša in prenese v samostojno delo. / This distribution of hours is valid if at least 15 students are enrolled. Otherwise the contact hours are linearly reduced and transfered to individual work.

Nosilec predmeta / Course leader:
doc. dr. Metka Novak
Sodelavci / Lecturers:
doc. dr. Barbara Breznik
Jeziki / Languages:
Predavanja / Lectures:
slovenščina, angleščina / Slovenian, English
Vaje / Tutorial:
slovenščina, angleščina / Slovenian, English
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:

Predmet lahko vpišejo študentje, ki so uspešno opravili izpit iz Biologije celice na dodiplomskem ali podiplomskem študiju.

Students that have successfully passed the exam of Cell Biology in undergraduate or postgraduate studies can enrol.

Content (Syllabus outline):

I. Matične celice v razvoju in regeneraciji
1. Embriogeneza in embrionske matične celice (biokemijski in biološki procesi razvoja)
2. Inducirane matične celice – indukcija pluripotence
3. Matične celice v tkivnem inženirstvu
4. Matične celice – etika in politika

II. Matične celice v bolezenskih stanjih
1. Potencialna uporabnost matičnih celic v raznih boleznih - splošno
2. Transformacija vs. (de-)diferenciacija
3. Rakave matične celice

Biology of Stem Cells
I. Stem cells in development and regeneration
1. Embryogenesis and embryonic stem cells (biochemical and biological processes)
2. Induced stem cells – pluripotency induction
3. Stem cells in tissue engineering
4. Stem cells - ethics and politics

II. Stem cells in disease
1. Potential of stem cells application in various diseases - general
2. Transformation vs. (de-) differentiation
3. Cancer stem cells

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

M.A.Hayat (ed).Ste, Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Vol3 Therapeutic Application in Disease and Injury ISBN 978-94-007-2414-3 e-ISBN 978-94-007-2415-0 DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2415-0 Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York

Primož Rožman in Mojca Jež: Matične celice in napredno zdravljenje, Mohorjeva družba, 2011 ISBN/EAN: 9789612189570

Borut Štrukelj in Janko Kos. Biološka zdravila, stran 628: Celično in tkivno inženirstvo, FKKT, 2007

Jonathan M. W. SlockThe Science of Stem Cells, © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Print ISBN:9781119235156 |Online ISBN:9781119235293 |DOI:10.1002/9781119235293.

R. R. Resende and H. Ulrich (eds.), Trends in Stem Cell Proliferation and Cancer Research, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6211-4_15, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
Ch15 The Duality of Stem Cells: Double-Edged Sword in Tumour Evolution and Treatment, Tanjše & Lah

Tannock Ian et al., The Basic Science of Oncology.Mc Graw Hille, Medical 5th Ed ISBN: 978-0-07-181349-5: The print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-174520-8, MHID: 0-07-174520-3.CH.13

Cilji in kompetence:
Objectives and competences:

- se seznanijo z osnovnimi lastnostmi različnih vrst matičnih celic
- razumejo sodobne molekularne tehnike v raziskavah matičnih celic
- razumejo vlogo matičnih celic pri raku

Students acquire:
- knowledge of basic characteristics of different types of stem cells
- understanding of modern molecular techniques in stem cell research
- understanding of the role of stem cells in cancer

Predvideni študijski rezultati:
Intendeded learning outcomes:

Študentu je potrebno:
- izkazati razumevanje molekularne biologije in biokemijskih tehnik, ki se uporabljajo pri raziskavah matičnih celic
- izkazati znanje o bioloških metodah matičnih celic in molekularnih mehanizmih, ki vodijo k pluripotenci in celični diferenciaciji
- razumevanje prednosti in slabosti celične terapije
- analiziranje in interpretacija znanstvene literature

The student needs to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of molecular biology and biochemistry techniques used in stem cell research
- Demonstrate knowledge of stem cell biology and molecular mechanisms leading to pluripotency and cell differentiation
- Understand advantages and disadvantages of cell-based therapeutics
- Master analysis and interpretation of primary scientific literature

Metode poučevanja in učenja:
Learning and teaching methods:

- Osnove predmeta, podane v sklopu predavanj
- Posamezna vroča poglavja študentje samostojno obdelajo v obliki seminarja
- Samostojni projekt

- Lectures on subject basics
- Student seminar preparation on certain currently hot topics
- Independent project

Načini ocenjevanja:
Delež v % / Weight in %
Ustni izpit iz splošnega dela
20 %
Oral exam of the basic theoretical part
Ocena od seminarja
30 %
Seminar assessment
Samostojni projekt
50 %
Independent project
Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:
1. MAJC, Bernarda, HABIČ, Anamarija, MALAVOLTA, Marta, VITTORI, Miloš, PORČNIK, Andrej, BOŠNJAK, Roman, MLAKAR, Jernej, MATJAŠIČ, Alenka, ZUPAN, Andrej, SKOBLAR VIDMAR, Marija, LAH TURNŠEK, Tamara, SADIKOV, Aleksander, BREZNIK, Barbara, NOVAK, Metka. Patient-derived organoids mimic glioblastoma resistance to therapy and increase DNA Damage Response. iScience. [Online ed.]. 2023, vol. , no. , str. [1-10]. ISSN 2589-0042. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4545256
2. NOVAK, Metka, KOPRIVNIKAR KRAJNC, Miha, HRASTAR, Barbara, BREZNIK, Barbara, MAJC, Bernarda, MLINAR, Mateja, ROTTER, Ana, PORČNIK, Andrej, MLAKAR, Jernej, STARE, Katja, PESTELL, Richard G., LAH TURNŠEK, Tamara. CCR5-mediated signaling is involved in invasion of glioblastoma cells in its microenvironment. International journal of molecular sciences. 12 Jun. 2020, vol. 21, iss. 12, str. 1-20, ilustr. ISSN 1422-0067
3. ZOTTEL, Alja, NOVAK, Metka, ŠAMEC, Neja, MAJC, Bernarda, COLJA, Sara, KATRAŠNIK, Mojca, VITTORI, Miloš, HRASTAR, Barbara, ROTTER, Ana, PORČNIK, Andrej, LAH TURNŠEK, Tamara, KOMEL, Radovan, BREZNIK, Barbara, JOVCHEVSKA, Ivana (avtor, korespondenčni avtor). Anti-vimentin nanobody decreases glioblastoma cell invasion in vitro and in vivo. Cancers. 2023, vol. 15, no. 3, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 2072-6694
4. LAH TURNŠEK, Tamara, MAJC, Bernarda, NOVAK, Metka, SUŠNIK, Ajda, BREZNIK, Barbara, PORČNIK, Andrej, BOŠNJAK, Roman, SADIKOV, Aleksander, MALAVOLTA, Marta, HALILČEVIĆ, Selma, MLAKAR, Jernej, ZOMER, Roby. The cytotoxic effects of cannabidiol and cannabigerol on glioblastoma stem cells may mostly involve GPR55 and TRPV1 signalling. Cancers. 2022, vol. 14, iss. 23, str. 1-21, ilustr. ISSN 2072-6694
5. HABIČ, Anamarija, NOVAK, Metka, MAJC, Bernarda, LAH TURNŠEK, Tamara, BREZNIK, Barbara. Proteases regulate cancer stem cell properties and remodel their microenvironment. Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry. [Online ed.]. 2021, vol. 69, iss. 12, str. 775-794. ISSN 1551-5044.