Študenti pridobijo znanje o organizaciji, delovanju in analizi celotnih genomov (prokariontskih in evkariontskih) z evolucijskega vidika, pomen razumevanja informacij, ki so skrite v genomskih sekvencah, ter mehanizmov in vzorcev evolucije genomov. Študenti bodo spoznali in uporabljali specializirane genomske in proteomske podatkovne baze ter metode molekularne evolucije za prepoznavanje in ovrednotenje evolucije posameznih genomskih komponent.
Splošne kompetence:
- obvladanje raziskovalnih metod, postopkov in procesov, razvoj kritične in samokritične presoje;
- razvoj sposobnosti uporabe znanja v praksi;
- razvoj komunikacijskih sposobnosti in spretnosti, posebej komunikacije v mednarodnem okolju;
- kooperativnost, delo v skupini (in v mednarodnem okolju).
Predmetno-specifične kompetence:
Študij tega predmeta je nujna podlaga za to, da bo študent razumel, kako se genomi in njegove komponente spreminjajo s časom. Predstavljene raziskovalne metode bodo študenti lahko uporabljali na različnih strokovnih področjih. Pridobljeno znanje jim bo pomagalo pri uporabi izjemno kompleksnih genomskih podatkov pri reševanju različnih problemov iz sodobne biologije ter pri interpretaciji rezultatov, pridobljenih iz genomskih in proteomskih podatkovnih baz.
Students will acquire a thorough understanding of genome organization and activity, of complete genome analysis (prokaryotic and eukaryotic), and mechanisms and patterns of genome evolution. Students will be able to extract and understand the enormous amount of information that is hidden in genome sequences. Students will learn how to use the specialized genome and proteome databases, and diverse approaches that are necessary for the evolutionary analyses of different genome components.
General Competences:
- the student will master research methods, procedures and processes and develop skills to critically asses his activities;
- the student will develop skills to transfer the ideas from the basic knowledge pool into applications;
- the student will develop communications skills to present research achievement in the international environment;
- training for team work (in international environment).
Course Specific Competences:
This course prepares students to work on the evolutionary analysis of complex genome data. Students will understand how and why the genomes and genome components change in time. Students can use acquired research methods in different fields of life sciences. Acquired knowledge will enable students to use very complex genome data in solving different problems in modern biology and to understand the results obtained from the analysis of the genome and proteome databases.