Po uspešno opravljenem predmetu bodo študenti pridobili naslednje rezultate:
Razumevanje konceptov bioindikacije in biomonitoringa – Študenti bodo razumeli osnovne definicije in principe bioindikacije in biomonitoringa v okolju ter pri ljudeh, vključno z različnimi vrstami bioindikatorjev in njihovimi aplikacijami.
Sposobnost uporabe bioindikatorjev za ocenjevanje stanja okolja – Študenti bodo znali prepoznati in uporabiti različne bioindikatorje (lišaji, mahovi, rastline, živali) za ocenjevanje onesnaženosti okolja v kopenskih in vodnih ekosistemih.
Analiza in interpretacija podatkov – Študenti bodo usposobljeni za analizo in interpretacijo podatkov, pridobljenih z okoljsko bioindikacijo in humanim biomonitoringom, ter za pravilno uporabo biomarkerjev izpostavljenosti, občutljivosti in vpliva.
Načrtovanje biomonitoring študij – Študenti bodo znali načrtovati, izvajati in ocenjevati programe okoljskega in humanega biomonitoringa ter upoštevati metodične vidike, kot so načrtovanje vzorčenja, merjenje variabilnosti in določanje negotovosti.
Poznavanje zakonodaje in programov – Študenti bodo seznanjeni s ključnimi slovenskimi, evropskimi in svetovnimi programi ter zakonodajo na področju bioindikacije in biomonitoringa, kar jim bo omogočilo sodelovanje v teh programih ali razvoj novih.
Povezovanje okoljske in humane bioindikacije – Študenti bodo razumeli in znali uporabiti povezave med okoljskimi in humanimi podatki, kar jim bo omogočilo celovito oceno vpliva onesnaženja na zdravje ljudi in ekosistemov.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will achieve the following outcomes:
Understanding the concepts of bioindication and biomonitoring – Students will understand the basic definitions and principles of bioindication and biomonitoring in the environment and in humans, including different types of bioindicators and their applications.
Ability to use bioindicators to assess environmental conditions – Students will be able to identify and apply various bioindicators (lichens, mosses, plants, animals) to evaluate pollution levels in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Data analysis and interpretation – Students will be trained to analyze and interpret data obtained from environmental bioindication and human biomonitoring, and will be able to correctly use biomarkers of exposure, sensitivity, and effect.
Designing biomonitoring studies – Students will be able to design, conduct, and evaluate environmental and human biomonitoring programs, considering methodological aspects such as sampling design, measurement variability, and uncertainty estimation.
Knowledge of legislation and programs – Students will become familiar with key Slovenian, European, and global programs and legislation related to bioindication and biomonitoring, enabling them to participate in these programs or develop new ones.
Connecting environmental and human bioindication – Students will understand and apply the connections between environmental and human data, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the impact of pollution on human health and ecosystems.