IGNITE: Inspiring the next Generation of Innovators through Technology and Empathy
IGNITE: Inspiring the next Generation of Innovators through Technology and Empathy
The IGNITE project, coordinated by the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS), aims to enhance environmentally sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship within STEAM programs. The project develops customized learning practices, digital solutions for monitoring competencies, and career guidance tools that foster collaboration between academia and industry for innovative, sustainable outcomes. Key activities include creating nanolearning modules, a virtual learning garden, an Innovation Marathon, an IgniteSphere e-room for sustainable ideas creation, and a competency monitoring application with a chatbot for student career guidance.
This two-year project (September 2024 - August 2026) brings together seven European institutions to drive sustainable change in education and industry: Mednarodna Podiplomska Šola Jožefa Stefana (Slovenia), the Université de Lorraine (France), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), Innovation Hive (Greece), Universiteit Gent (Belgium), the Mednarodni Institut za Implementacijo Trajnostnega Razvoja, Maribor (MIITR, Slovenia) and Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (Norway).
The Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships project IGNITE aims to reach STEAM students, educators, industry professionals, and sustainability-minded members of the community. By fostering essential competencies in environmentally sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship, IGNITE prepares young innovators to thrive in a world increasingly focused on ecological responsibility and cross-disciplinary collaboration.
Follow project activities:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61567486114291
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ignite_euproject/