Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS) is located at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) situated a few minutes walking distance to the south-west from the city centre.
From Tromostovje (Triple Bridge) walk along the Ljubljanica river upstream to the Šentjakobski most bridge. Turn right along Zoisova cesta street to Aškerčeva and the crossing with Barjanska cesta. Turn left and walk along Barjanska cesta; turn right at the first crossing, and follow the Mirje street along the Roman wall. The street turns left, and this is the beginning of Jamova cesta – walk along this street for approximately 5–10 minutes. A few steps after the crossing with Jadranska ulica on the left side of the street you reach your final destination: IPS and the Jožef Stefan Institute.
By Bus:
IPS and JSI are connected to the city centre by a bus service operated by Ljubljanski potniški promet (LPP):