4 current doctoral programmes. Access to state-of-the-art research equipment. Excellent supervisors and leading researchers. International research environment. Collaboration with the industry. Great employment prospects. Scholarships.

Enrolment 2024/2025

STEP 1) Enrolment to the 2024/2025 academic year is done via eVŠ electronic application (https://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/?lang=en)

The candidate must fill-in the electonic application with correct and complete personal data, as they are written in their personal identification document!

In addition to the electronic application, candidates must also submit the following mandatory documents and certificates by the end of a particular enrolment deadline through the eVŠ portal:

  • Diploma or degree certificate of the highest acquired education,
  • Application for recognition of education together with requested attachments (if the diploma was obtained outside of Slovenia):
  • Diploma supplement or transcript of records with the calculated average grade (from previous studies),
  • Short CV,
  • Motivation letter for studying at IPS with a proposal of the desired research field (1 page),
  • Supervisor's approval of the selected courses and the potential co-supervisor:
  • A copy of identity document.

STEP 2) Selection of supervisor, tuition fee payment option and course list

1-2 working days after completing the eVŠ application the candidates use the eVŠ application number (without -) on the IPS web page https://www.mps.si/en/vpis/ to select a supervisor, the tuition fee payment option and in the case of enrolment into the 1st year a list of courses in agreement with the selected supervisor.

Request for enrolment of external course(s) is available here.


1st Application Deadline: From 1 May to 31 May 2024.
2nd Application Deadline: From 1 June to 30 June 2024.
3rd Application Deadline: From 1 July to 31 August 2024.
4th Application Deadline: From 1 September to 15 September 2024.
5th Application Deadline: From 16 September to 19 September 2024.
6th Application Deadline: From 20 September to 26 September 2024.
7th Application Deadline: From 27 September to 30 September 2024.


Requirements for enrolment into doctoral study programmes are the following:

  • completed second-cycle study programme,
  • completed single-cycle master degree study programme, if evaluated with 300 ECTS,
  • completed pre-Bologna university study programme.

Other requirements:


Graduates from pre-Bologna study programmes for acquiring specialisation, who have completed a professional higher education programme, have to fulfil study obligations worth 30 ECTS of individual research work to enrol in the third-cycle study programmes.

Graduates from pre-Bologna study programmes for acquiring a master degree or specialisation after concluding a study programme for acquiring a university degree shall be given recognition of 60 ECTS of study obligations in the third-cycle doctoral study programme. Upon enrolling, such candidates shall individually be given compulsory supplementary exams worth 24 ECTS in order to acquire the required comprehensive knowledge. These exams shall be selected from the doctoral study programme course list. The sum of all credit points acquired from the compulsory supplementary exams, individual research work, seminars for the 2nd and 3rd academic year, and eventual optional courses of candidate's choice is 120 ECTS, meaning that the candidate earns, together with 60 ECTS from the recognised obligations, 180 ECTS in total.

Anticipated number of available places for each year of studies:

  • Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies: 25
  • Information and Communication Technologies: 25
  • Ecotechnologies: 25
  • Sensor Technologies: 25

In  the  case  of  limited  admission  at  the  third-level  programme  the  Study Commission shall prepare the list of accepted candidates on the basis of the following criteria:
•  achievement in the second-level study (average study grade 10%, master thesis evaluation 10%)
•  achievement in the optional exam (80%), which is taking place as a written or an oral exam in presence of a study programme commission, appointed by the Head of the programme. During the exam the candidate shall also present his concluded scientific and professional work, relevant for the chosen study programme. The commission shall evaluate the candidate’s achievement in the optional exam and submit the grade of the optional exam together with the study achievement evaluation to the Study Commission, which classifies the candidates for enrolling in individual academic year of particular study programme.

The main criteria for the evaluation of candidate's scientific work in optional course are following publications:
•  original scientific articles with a review in impact factor journals (JCR) or in journals, indexed in data collection SCI, SSCI or A&HCI
•  scientific monograph or an independent scientific essay in a monograph,
•  documented published papers at congresses, symposia and scientific seminars.
The Commission shall during the optional exam separately consider the patents.

The main criteria for the evaluation of the candidate's professional work in optional course are:
•  popular scientific book
•  editor or co-editor of a scientific publication, book
•  scientific paper
•  published presentations, reports or expertises
•  popular scientific papers
•  other documented professional activities on the commission’s judgement.


We will inform the candidates of the results of enrolment via eVŠ within 15 days after each enrolment deadline.


The tuition fee per academic year is 4,500 EUR.

The tuition covers the expenses related to the educational process and organisation.

Since the IPS is a research-oriented postgraduate school, all postgraduate students are included in research work conducted in the framework of Slovenian, international, or industrial research projects.


Young Researchers 2024:

Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI): Call for Tenders JSI MR 2024

National Institute of Biology (NIB): Call for Tenders NIB MR 2024

National Institute of Chemistry: Call for Tenders KI MR 2024

Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG): Call for Tenders ZAG MR 2024

Possibilities of acquiring scholarships from the industry and international scholarships. More info at info@mps.si.