Učni načrt predmeta

Kemija materialov
Materials Chemistry
Študijski program in stopnja /
Study programme and level
Študijska smer /
Study field
Letnik /
Academic year
Semester /
Nanoznanosti in nanotehnologije, 3. stopnja / 1 1
Nanosciences and Nanotechnologijes, 3rd cycle / 1 1
Vrsta predmeta / Course type
Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code:
Klinične vaje
Druge oblike
Samost. delo
Individ. work
30 30 30 210 10

*Navedena porazdelitev ur velja, če je vpisanih vsaj 15 študentov. Drugače se obseg izvedbe kontaktnih ur sorazmerno zmanjša in prenese v samostojno delo. / This distribution of hours is valid if at least 15 students are enrolled. Otherwise the contact hours are linearly reduced and transfered to individual work.

Nosilec predmeta / Course leader:
izr. prof. dr. Matjaž Spreitzer
Sodelavci / Lecturers:
Jeziki / Languages:
Predavanja / Lectures:
Slovenski, angleški / Slovenian, English
Vaje / Tutorial:
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:

Razumevanje osnov anorganske kemije.

Understanding of basics of inorganic chemistry.

Content (Syllabus outline):

1. Osnove kristalne strukture:
- simetrijski elementi,
- točkovne in prostorske grupe,
- osnove rentgenske in elektronske difrakcije,
- difrakcijske tehnike,
- metode prilagajanja modela kristalne strukture.

2. Napake v kristalih:
- termodinamika točkastih napak,
- Kroeger-Vink notacija točkovnih napak,
- kvazi kemijski pristop k ravnotežju napak ,
- Brouwer-jevi diagrami,
- interkacija med točkastimi napakami,
- določanje točkastih napak,
- linijske in ploskovne napake.

3. Kemijska kinetika v trdnem stanju:
- makroskopski opis difuzije,
- atomistični opis difuzije,
- nerecipročna difuzija,
- tipi in določevanje difuzijskih koeficientov.

4. Fazna ravnotežja v trdnih sistemih:
- osnove termodinamskega ravnotežja,
- binarni fani diagrami,
- ternarni fazni diagrami.

5. Mikrostruktura:
- osnove keramičnih materialov,
- teorija sintranja v trdnem stanju,
- razvoj mikrostrukture v volumski keramiki in tankih plasteh.

1. Introduction to crystal structures:
- symmetry elements,
- point and space groups,
- fundamentals of X-ray and electron diffraction,
- diffraction techniques,
- crystal structure refinement.

2. Defects in crystals:
- thermodynamics of point defects,
- Kroeger-Vink notation of point defects,
- quasi-chemical approach to point-defect equilibrium,
- Brouwer diagrams,
- point-defect interactions,
- determination of point defects,
- line and planar faults.

3. Solid-state chemical kinetics:
- macroscopic description of diffusion,
- atomistic description of diffusion,
- non-reciprocal diffusion,
- types and determination of diffusion coefficients.

4. Phase equilibria in solid systems:
- basics of thermodynamic equilibrium,
- binary phase diagrams,
- ternary phase diagrams.

5. Microstructure:
- basics of ceramic materials,
- theory of solid-state sintering,
- development of microstructure in bulk ceramics and thin films.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- A. R. West. Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications. John Wiley & Sons (2014). ISBN-13: 978-1119942948.
- C. Giacovazzo, H. L. Monaco, G. Artioli, et al. Fundamentals of Crystallography. Oxford University Press (2011). ISBN-13: 978-0199573660.
- G. Friedbacher, H. Bubert. Surface and Thin Film Analysis. Wiley-VCH (2011). ISBN: 978-3-527-32047-9.
- C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton. Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering. Springer (2013). ISBN: 978-1-4614-3523-5
- V. Pecharsky, P. Zavalij. Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials. Springer Science+Business Media (2009). ISBN-13: 978-0387095783.
- Izbor literature za specifično področje iz mednarodne znanstvene periodike / International scientific

Cilji in kompetence:
Objectives and competences:

Po opravljenem izpitu študentje iz različnih dodiplomskih programov predvidoma razumejo osnove kristalnih struktur, napak v kristalih, termodinamike trdnega stanja, difuzije v trdnem ter razvoja mikrostrukture materialov. Pridobljeno znanje omogoča razumevanje razlik in podobnosti med posameznimi skupinami fukcionalnih materialov.

Splošne kompetence:
- Študent bo razumel osnove raziskovalnih metod in postopkov na področju znanosti o materialih.
- Razvoj kritične presoje pri ocenjevanju eksperimentalnih in literaturnih podatkov.
- Razvoj komunikacijskih spretnosti za predstavitev rezultatov v mednarodnem okolju.

Kompetence, specifične za predmet:
Predmet seznanja študente z osnovnimi principi kemije trdnega stanja in karakterizacijskih metod.

The objective is that upon successful completition of the course students from different undergraduate programs understand basics of crystal structures, defects in crystals, solid-state thermodynamics, diffusion in solids and microstructure development in materials. The acquired knowledge should enable understanding of similarities and differences between individual groups of functional materials.

General Competences:
- The student will understand basic principles of the research methods and procedures in the field of materials science.
- The student will develop critical thinking in assessment of experimental and literature data.
- The student will develop communications skills to present research achievements in the international environment.

Course Specific Competences:
This course teaches students basic principles of solid-state chemistry and characterization methods.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:
Intendeded learning outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje:
- Ionskih kristalov – koncepti,
- Strukturnih defektov in nestehiometričnosti,
- Difuzije,
- Termodinamike trdin,
- Mikrostrukture.

Pridobljeno znanje bo študentom omogočilo načrtovanje materialov s specifičnimi funkcionalnimi lastnostmi.

Knowledge and understanding:
- Ionic crystals – concepts,
- Structural defects and nonstechiometry,
- Diffusion,
- Thermodynamics of solids,
- Microstructure.

The acquired knowledge will enable students to engineer materials with specific functional properties.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:
Learning and teaching methods:

Predavanja, seminarji, konzultacije, laboratorijsko delo

Lectures, seminars, consultations, laboratory practice

Načini ocenjevanja:
Delež v % / Weight in %
Ustni izpit
Oral exam
Predstavitev seminarske naloge
Seminar presentation
Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:
1. BORŠTNAR, Petruša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠALA, Martin, LIN, Che-an, LIN, Shih-kang, SPREITZER, Matjaž, DANEU, Nina. Transient ruddlesden–popper-type defects and their influence on grain growth and properties of lithium lanthanum titanate solid electrolyte. ACS nano. 2024, vol. 18, iss. 16, str. 10850 - 10862
2. KUZMIĆ, Nina, TERBOVŠEK, Eva, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., NELO, Mikko, JANTUNEN, Heli, SPREITZER, Matjaž. New inorganic binders for room temperature fabrication of upside-down S r T i O 3 -based ceramic composites. Ceramics International. [Online ed.]. Sep. 2024, iss. 18, pt. b, str. 33180-33188
3. GUPTA, Suraj, PRAPAITRAKOOL, G., BHAGAT, B. R., YEH, Chun-Lin, DASHORA, Alpa, SIRISUK, Akawat, PATEL, Nainesh, DANEU, Nina, KOCJAN, Andraž, SPREITZER, Matjaž, WU, Jeffrey C. S., MAČEK, Marjeta. Promoting photocatalytic hydrogen evolution rates in layered graphitic carbon nitride through integrated non-noble CoB co-catalyst. International journal of hydrogen energy. [Print ed.]. 2024, vol. 60, march, str. 1288-1298
4. JOVANOVIĆ, Zoran M., TRSTENJAK, Urška, HO, Hsin-Chia, BUTSYK, Oleana, CHEN, Binbin, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, BORODAVKA, Fedir, KOSTER, Gertjan, HLINKA, Jiři, SPREITZER, Matjaž. Tiling the silicon for added functionality : PLD growth of highly-crystalline STO and PZT on graphene oxide-buffered silicon surface. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2023, vol. 15, issue 4, str. 6058–6068
5. HO, Hsin-Chia, SMILJANIĆ, Milutin, JOVANOVIĆ, Zoran M., ČEKADA, Miha, KOVAČ, Janez, KOSTER, Gertjan, HLINKA, Jiři, HODNIK, Nejc, SPREITZER, Matjaž. Robust S r T i O 3 passivation of silicon photocathode by reduced graphene oxide for solar water splitting. ACS applied materials & interfaces. [Online ed.]. Sep. 2023, vol. 15, iss. 37, str. 44482-44492