Učni načrt predmeta

Proteinski toksini - karakterizacija in uporaba v celični biologiji
Protein Toxins -Characterisations and Applications in Cellular Biology
Študijski program in stopnja /
Study programme and level
Študijska smer /
Study field
Letnik /
Academic year
Semester /
Nanoznanosti in nanotehnologije, 3. stopnja Bioznanosti
1 1
Vrsta predmeta / Course type
Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code:
Klinične vaje
Druge oblike
Samost. delo
Individ. work
30 30 30 21 10

*Navedena porazdelitev ur velja, če je vpisanih vsaj 15 študentov. Drugače se obseg izvedbe kontaktnih ur sorazmerno zmanjša in prenese v samostojno delo. / This distribution of hours is valid if at least 15 students are enrolled. Otherwise the contact hours are linearly reduced and transfered to individual work.

Nosilec predmeta / Course leader:
prof. dr. Igor Križaj
Sodelavci / Lecturers:
Jeziki / Languages:
Predavanja / Lectures:
Vaje / Tutorial:
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:

Zaključena druga stopnja bolonjskega študija ali diploma univerzitetnega študijskega programa. Nujna so osnovna znanja s področja biokemije in molekularne biologije.

Completed Bologna second level study program or an equivalent pre-Bologna university study. Basic knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology is obligatory.

Content (Syllabus outline):

- Pregled najpomembnejših virov proteinskih toksinov,
- proteomska karakterizacija strupov – venomika in antivenomika, pregled sodobnih eksperimentalnih metod in tehnik za čiščenje proteinskih toksinov,
- pregled sodobnih eksperimentalnih metod in tehnik za karakterizacijo proteinskih toksinov, njihovih fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti, strukture in biokemijskih lastnosti,
- pregled sodobnih eksperimentalnih metod in tehnik za karakterizacijo pato-fiziološkega delovanja najpomembnejši skupin proteinskih toksinov; uporaba celičnih kultur,
- molekularni mehanizmi delovanja izbranih proteinskih toksinov,
- uporaba proteinskih toksinov v raziskovalne namene,
- uporaba proteinskih toksinov v terapevtske namene.

- Survey of the most important sources of protein toxins,
- proteomic characterization of venoms – venomics and antivenomics,
- survey of recent experimental methods and techniques for purification of protein toxins,
- survey of recent experimental methods and techniques for characterization of protein toxins, their physico-chemical characteristics, structure and biochemical features,
- survey of recent experimental methods and techniques for characterization of pathophysiological characteristics of the main protein toxin groups; the use of cell cultures,
- molecular mechanisms of action of selected protein toxins,
- use of protein toxins in research,
- use of protein toxins in therapeutic applications.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Zapiski predavanj / Lecture notes

Izbrani pregledni članki npr.: / Selected review papers e.g.:
Lüddecke, T. et al. (2023): Venom biotechnology: casting light on nature's deadliest weapons using synthetic biology. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 11: 1166601.
De Oliveira, A.N. et al. (2023): Why to study peptides from venomous and poisonous animals? Int. J. Pept. Res. Ther. 29: 76.
Von Reumont B.M. et al. (2022): Modern venomics - current insights, novel methods, and future perspectives in biological and applied animal venom research. Gigascience 11: giac048.
Oliveira, A.L. et al. (2022): The chemistry of snake venom and its medicinal potential. Nat. Rev. Chem. 6(7): 451–469.
Clark, G.C. et al. (2019): Friends or foes? Emerging impacts of biological toxins. Trends Biochem. Sci. 44(4): 365–379.
Rigoni, M. & Montecucco, C. (2017): Animal models for studying motor axon terminal paralysis and recovery. J. Neurochem. 142 (Suppl. 2): 122–129.
Gutiérrez, J.M. et al. (2017): Snakebite envenoming. Nat. Rev. Dis. Primers 3: 17063.
Pirazzini, M. et al. (2017): Botulinum neurotoxins: biology, pharmacology, and toxicology. Pharmacol Rev. 69(2): 200–235.
Calvete, J.J. (2017): Venomics: integrative venom proteomics and beyond. Biochem. J.
474(5): 611–634.
Casewell, N.R. et al. (2013): Complex cocktails: the evolutionary novelty of venoms. Trends Ecol. Evol. 28, 219–229.
Sajevic, T. et al. (2011): Haemostatically active proteins in snake venoms. Toxicon 57, 627–645.

Izbrani zborniki in knjige npr.: / Selected collections and books e.g.:
Mackessy, S.P. (Ed.) 2021: Handbook of venoms and toxins of reptiles, 2nd ed., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Gopalakrishnakone, P., Inagaki, H., Vogel, C.-W., Mukherjee, A.K. and Rahmy, T.R. (Eds.) 2017: Snake venoms, Springer Science+Busines Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Cilji in kompetence:
Objectives and competences:

Seznaniti študente s:
- sodobnimi eksperimentalnimi metodami in tehnikami za čiščenje proteinskih toksinov,
- sodobnimi eksperimentalnimi metodami in tehnikami za biokemijsko in pato-fiziološko karakterizacijo proteinskih toksinov,
- primeri uporabe proteinskih toksinov kot orodij v raziskovalne namene,
- primeri uporabe proteinskih toksinov v terapevtske namene.

Splošne kompetence:
- Študent bo spoznal raziskovalne metode in postopke za izolacijo in karakterizacijo proteinskih toksinov,
- razvil bo sposobnost samokritične presoje svojih raziskovalnih aktivnosti,
- pridobil bo sposobnost uporabe znanja v praksi,
- razvil bo sposobnosti posredovanja rezultatov raziskovalnega dela širši javnosti, s posebnim poudarkom na komunikaciji v mednarodnem okolju,
- naučil se bo kooperativnosti, dela v skupini (in v mednarodnem okolju).

Predmetnospecifične kompetence:
Študent bo znal poiskati ustrezen proteinski toksin in ga uporabiti kot pripomoček pri svojem raziskovalnem delu.

To inform the students about:
- recent experimental methods and techniques for purification of protein toxins,
- recent experimental methods and techniques for biochemical and patho-physiological characterization of protein toxins,
- selected examples of application of protein toxins as research tools,
- selected examples of the use of protein toxins in medical applications.

General Competences:
- The student will learn about the methods and procedures to isolate protein toxins and to characterize them,
- will develop the skill to critically asses his research activities,
- will develop the skill to transfer ideas from the basic knowledge pool into applications,
- will develop the skill to communicate scientific results to broader community with particular emphasis on communication in the international environment,
- will learn to work in a team (and in international environment).

Course Specific Competences:
The student will learn to pick an appropriate protein toxin to use it as a tool in his scientific work.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:
Intendeded learning outcomes:

Študent bo spoznal glavne skupine proteinskih toksinov, metodologije za njihovo čiščenje in karakterizacijo njihovih lastnosti, načine njihovega delovanja in glavna področja njihove uporabe.

Student will learn about the main groups of protein toxins, about methodologies for their purification and characterisation, about mechanisms of their action, and about the main areas of their utilisation.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:
Learning and teaching methods:

Predavanja, seminarji, konzultacije.

Lectures, seminars, consultations.

Načini ocenjevanja:
Delež v % / Weight in %
50 %
Ustni izpit
50 %
Oral exam
Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:
1. Stazi, M., Megighian, A., D’Este, G., Negro, S., Ivanušec, A., Lonati, D., Pirazzini, M., Križaj, I. and Montecucco, C. (2024): An agonist of CXCR4 induces a rapid recovery from the neurotoxic effects of Vipera ammodytes and Vipera aspis venoms. J. Neurochem. 168, 428–440.
2. Dobaja Borak, M., Grenc, D., Reberšek, K., Podgornik, H., Leonardi, A., Kurtović, T., Halassy, B., Križaj, I. and Brvar, M. (2023): Reversible and transient thrombocytopenia of functional platelets induced by nose-horned viper venom. Thromb. Res. 229, 152–154.
3. Ivanušec, A., Šribar, J., Leonardi, A., Zorović, M., Živin, M. and Križaj, I. (2022): Rat group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 binds to cytochrome c oxidase and inhibits its activity: A possible episode in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(20), 12368.
4. Požek, K., Leonardi, A., Pungerčar, J., Rao, W., Gao, Z., Liu, S., Laustsen, A.H., Trampuš Bakija, A., Reberšek, K., Podgornik, H. and Križaj, I. (2022): Genomic confirmation of the P-IIIe subclass of snake venom metalloproteinases and characterization of its first member, a disintegrin-like/cysteine-rich protein. Toxins 14(4), 232.
5. Lomonte B. and Križaj, I. (2021): Snake venom phospholipase A2 toxins. Handbook of venoms and toxins of reptiles, 2nd Ed. (Stephen P. Mackessy, Ed.), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. pp. 389–411..