Programme Description

The Ecotechnologies study programme is designed to gain expert knowledge in the field of ecotechnologies. The studies are organised in relation to the R&D projects of the industry, service activities and public sector. Slovenia implemented the principles of sustainable development in its fundamental research strategy which is supported by a number of legal, economic, ecological and social measures. However, these measures and integration of their effects show a deficit, especially due to the lack of sustainability-oriented and professionally qualified management personnel. The integration of Slovenia into the European Union led to an increased demand for competitiveness in all areas. In the economy, service activities and public sector, it requires a faster and more efficient development and transfer of ecotechnologies, as well as it exercises a stronger orientation towards sustainable development.

In science and education, the importance of connecting basic research with applied research and development in the field of economy, service activities and public sector is significantly larger, and this is exactly what the Ecotechnologies programme is all about. The strategy of sustainable development includes the integration of environmental, technological, economic and social goals, particularly in production and consumption. It is essential to plan, develop and disseminate the use of ecotechnologies (“eco” meaning both ecological and economic), and to implement systematic sustainable market strategies to develop more favourable consumption trends. The essential components of ecotechnological approaches are new procedures and products which include an increasing efficiency in the use of raw materials and energy, minimizing and recycling of wastes, the reduction of adverse environmental impacts of production and transport, and the systematic improvement of the endangered environment.


Characteristic for the proposed programme is the emphasis on the interlinking of basic research with applied research and with the progress in industry and trade, and therefore this study programme is intended, in principle, for candidates who have at least two years of work experience and the support of their employers. The programme is intended to design study and research conditions where theoretical basics on the highest level will intertwine with the efforts to solve real-world problems in the processes of production and decision-making.

This postgraduate study programme offers the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills for competent research, forming international relationships, and for the management of sustainability-oriented development, and the transfer and application of ecotechnologies.

Emphasis will be placed on threefold ability for:

  • widening and deepening the scientific content, methods and techniques in the selected fields of natural sciences, technologies, engineering and information sciences, which will support strategic choice, development, transfer, optimization, utilization and control of selected ecotechnologies for increasing commercial efficiency while benefiting broader social interests concerning sustainable development;
  • developing the abilities and skills for enhancing the quality of processes, products and services, and increasing the added value, striving for excellence and maximum enforcement of the principles of sustainable development;
  • developing an integral process of thinking which surpasses individual areas and develops multidisciplinary communication skills for dealing with experts from other disciplines and subject areas, comprehensive definition of problems, systematic approaches solving complex problems through teamwork, decision-making under conditions of uncertainty, and long-term target-oriented strategic planning.

From the academic year 2024/2025 onwards, the Erasmus Mundus module SPACEMED is implemented, which offers a unique integrated inter- and multidisciplinary study on the effects of extreme environments, especially space flights, on humans. A strong emphasis is placed on hands-on activities in state-of-the-art laboratories and field studies, including space flight analogs (e.g. parabolic flights, Antarctic habitats, experimental recumbency studies, etc.) and other extreme environments such as high altitude, underwater and in hot and cold, dry and humid environments. More information:

Credit Framework (ECTS)

Total number of ECTS for the second-cycle study programme 120 ECTS
Required Courses 40 ECTS
Elective Courses 30 ECTS
Individual Research/Project Work 20 ECTS
Master Thesis 30 ECTS


1st YEAR (60 ECTS)

Required Courses (30 ECTS)
Basic Ecology and Ecotoxicology (10 ECTS)
Sustainable Engineering (10 ECTS)

Seminar I (10 ECTS)

Elective Courses (30 ECTS)

2nd YEAR (60 ECTS)

Required Courses (10 ECTS)

Seminar II (10 ECTS)

Project: Individual Research/Project Work (20 ECTS)

Master Thesis (30 ECTS)

SPACEMED Curriculum

1st YEAR (60 ECTS)

Required Courses (60 ECTS)
First semester at Université de Caen Normandie (30 ECTS)
Second semester at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (30 ECTS)

2nd YEAR (60 ECTS)

Required Courses (30 ECTS)

Extreme environments (30 ECTS)

Master Thesis (30 ECTS)


Course Module Professor ECTS
Basic Ecology and Ecotoxicology EKO2 prof. dr. Janez Ščančar 10 ECTS
Concept of Sustainable Development ST3,IKT2,NANO2,EKO,IKT3,NANO3,NANO,MEDIJI,EKO2,EKO3 prof. dr. Ivo Šlaus 3 ECTS
Corporate Law and Dispute Settlement ST3,IKT2,NANO2,EKO,IKT3,NANO3,NANO,MEDIJI,EKO2,EKO3 prof. dr. Lojze Ude 3 ECTS
Economics for Researchers ST3,IKT2,NANO2,EKO,IKT3,NANO3,NANO,MEDIJI,EKO2,EKO3 prof. dr. Sašo Polanec 3 ECTS
Ecoremediation Technologies EKO2 prof. dr. Daniel Vrhovšek 5 ECTS
Environmental Pollution - Selected Topics EKO2 prof. dr. Milena Horvat 5 ECTS
Environmental Protection Engineering EKO2 prof. dr. Peter Glavič 10 ECTS
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry EKO2 prof. dr. Maja Ponikvar-Svet 5 ECTS
Fundamentals of Green Chemistry EKO2 prof. dr. Stojan Stavber 5 ECTS
Industrial Expert Knowledge and Project Work ST3,IKT2,NANO2,EKO,IKT3,NANO3,NANO,MEDIJI,EKO2,EKO3 prof. dr. Gorazd Kandus 3 ECTS
Industry Related Element Speciation EKO2 prof. dr. Radmila Milačič 5 ECTS
Innovation Management ST3,IKT2,NANO2,EKO,IKT3,NANO3,NANO,MEDIJI,EKO2,EKO3 prof. dr. Peter Stanovnik 3 ECTS
Master Thesis IKT2,NANO2,EKO2 Prof. dr. Predstojnik / Head of Programme 20 ECTS
Project 1: Individual Research/Project Work IKT2,NANO2,EKO2 Prof. dr. Predstojnik / Head of Programme 10 ECTS
Project 2: Individual Research/Project Work IKT2,NANO2,EKO2 Prof. dr. Predstojnik / Head of Programme 20 ECTS
Radiochemistry EKO2 prof. dr. Ljudmila Benedik 5 ECTS
Radioecology EKO2 doc. dr. Marko Štrok 5 ECTS
Seminar I EKO2 prof. dr. Milena Horvat 10 ECTS
Seminar II EKO2 prof. dr. Milena Horvat 10 ECTS


The basic objective of this programme is to qualify the candidate for:

A)  General competences

  • ability for individual research work on the field of ecotechnologies,
  • ability to research, select and organize information, as well as synthesize solution and anticipate their consequences,
  • mastering of research methods, procedures and processes, development of critical and self-critical assessment,
  • ability to use knowledge in practice,
  • autonomy in professional work, as well as responsible and creative performance of activities,
  • development of communication abilities and skills, particularly for communication in international environment,
  • ethical reflection and commitment to professional ethics and regulations,
  • cooperativeness, work on joint assignments and problems within a group and in international environment.

B)  Subject-specific competences

  • knowing the bases of environmental protection techniques, material and energy balance and process systems technology,
  • understanding integrated planning of energy production and distribution in the economic sector, including environmental evaluation of energy consumption and energy processes, management of internal energy systems in connection with the public energy supply system, energy and emissions trading, evaluation of operational and investment/supported improvements,
  • ability to combine various skills and knowledge in identification and analysis of environmental issues, evaluation and decision-making on the use of the environment in relation to development schemes, plans and policies,
  • ability to analyze ethical aspects of practices, institutions and valuations associated with the environment and nature,
  • recognizing the social relevance of scientific knowledge and responsibility of planners for activities interfering with nature, social and cultural environment,
  • understanding the legal aspect of environmental protection, in the European and national legislation,
  • knowing the bases of ecology and ecotoxicology for students without basic education in biology,
  • ability to discover knowledge in environmental data,
  • continuing research & development work in ecotechnologies,
  • knowing the concepts of ecotechnologies,
  • acquiring the bases of natural-science and technical knowledge in ecotechnologies in the form of combining the existing solutions.